tmb UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Hölderlinstraße 8
35039 Marburg
Managing Director: Tim Bicker
Registry court: Marburg
Registration number: HRB 7682
Value added tax identification number: DE351771569
Responsible in terms of § 18 MStV: Tim Bicker, Hölderlinstraße 8, 35039 Marburg
All information and data contained in our website have been carefully researched and checked by us. However, we do not assume any guarantee or liability for the correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness.
We do not assume any legal advice or examination in individual cases.
General information obligation according to § 36 Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz (VSBG)
tmb UG (haftungsbeschränkt) does not currently participate in any dispute resolution proceedings within the meaning of the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act. It is not legally obliged to do so. Currently, no voluntary participation is planned. Irrespective of this, we will of course appreciate any objective criticism and try to achieve a fair balance of interests.